Debbie Bauer, MA, LMFT
License CA #43512
Spring has Sprung!
Flowers are blooming, the weather is warming up, and…..allergies are flaring up! All sure signs that Spring is in the air. This is a lovely time of year for many people – often signaling a cue to be “out with the old and in with the new” – figuratively perhaps but possibly also literally.
If you have had nagging issues hanging around in past months, now is the time to do something constructive about them. Look at this season for the well known concepts of rebirth, or, renewal – a time to refresh yourself. This may include getting rid of a bad habit that has been contributing to ill feelings whether towards someone else or within yourself, or perhaps to your own poor health. It may also be the opportune time to sign up for those lessons or that class you’ve been “meaning” to take “someday.” Do it now! There is no time like the present – clearly a gift bestowed to us for immediate use.
This time of year triggers ideas around spring cleaning – not just your living space although that certainly contributes to decluttering your life – but also spring cleaning your body and mind. With the pleasant weather it‘s a perfect time to get out and spruce up not just your home and garden, but also your body – back to health ! Take a bike ride, a hike, or a simple walk. Get out and smell the flowers! These fantastic no-cost activities are often just the remedy for feeling better physically and emotionally – as well as a healthy way to spend time with friends and family.
During this season of new beginnings – I encourage you to take a contemplative look at your life and to identify areas that could benefit from some positive changes. Then - plant your own seeds of change by creating a step by step plan to make those desired changes – to embark on the exciting journey of growth towards those new goals. You’ll be surprised at the exciting resurgence of energy you experience in the process!
In closing – I wish you wonderful days ahead with bountiful new experiences of growth.
Finally, I invite you to phone or email me should you or someone you know need some support in making life changes or in making life more manageable.
Debbie Bauer, LMFT
~easing life’s journey~